Brandon Richards

Designer + Developer

In a landscape where designers and developers are abundant, I distinguish myself by bringing a strategic approach, a refined process, and deep expertise to every design, branding, and website project. My commitment is to not just meet, but exceed expectations, delivering success that stands out in its creativity, effectiveness, and alignment with your goals.

© Brandon Richards. All rights reserved.

Logo Design & Identity

At the heart of every brand is its visual identity. My logo design and identity services are crafted to create memorable, impactful, and versatile logos that encapsulate the essence of your brand. From initial concept to final execution, I focus on delivering designs that resonate with your audience and stand the test of time. My process ensures that your brand’s identity is cohesive across all platforms, creating a strong and consistent visual presence. Let me help you tell your brand’s story through powerful and strategic design.

Web Design

I specialize in delivering comprehensive web design and development services tailored to meet your unique needs. As a full-stack developer, I handle everything from front-end design to back-end development, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. My expertise spans all aspects of web design from hosting to CMS.
Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing site, I’m here to bring your vision to life.


Welcome to my portfolio! I’m Brandon Richards, an experienced digital designer and web developer with over two decades of expertise in crafting innovative and impactful digital experiences. My journey has been driven by a relentless passion for solving problems and finding creative solutions.I believe in the principle of progressive enhancement, not just for web development but also as a guiding philosophy for life. This means continually striving for self-improvement and working diligently towards my convictions. I specialize in website design and development, bringing ideas to life with a blend of technical skill and artistic vision. My expertise spans Graphic Design, Web Development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CraftCMS, Expression Engine, WordPress, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.Beyond the digital realm, I am an avid trail runner and a proud follower of Jesus, both of which deeply influence my approach to work and life. Trail running has taught me endurance and the beauty of gradual progress, while my faith instills a sense of purpose and dedication in everything I do.


I’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a project in mind, need a creative solution, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out. You can contact me using the contact form below. I look forward to discussing how I can help you achieve your goals.

Thank you

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. I look forward to collaborating and helping you elevate your brand with strategic and creative solutions.